Amazing Service from Apple

This isn’t strictly photography-related, but can be for anyone using any Apple product. All customer service should be like this!

The weekend before this past one, I upgraded to an iPhone 6. While I was in the AT&T store, I had to log into my iTunes account with my Apple ID in order to get the phone activated. When I went to do that, I was told (well, on the screen) that I had to change my Apple ID to an email address. My Apple ID had always been a series of letters, but not an email address.

I changed it as requested, and it worked great in the store.

When I got home, I tried to get all my apps on my new phone through iTunes. The apps copied over just fine, but I couldn’t use the ones I had bought, and none of them would update. I kept getting an error message that they were bought using a different Apple ID, so were not authorized on this phone. I checked all settings, and tried several things, but to no avail.

After searching the Apple site for a solution, I sent a message via their site stating my problem. Within a second of clicking Send, my phone rang. It was Apple. I was shocked it was even possible for the call to have been made so quickly. The message said they had received a request for help, but there might be a delay on the phone due to call volume. Yet within a minute, I was talking to a live person! He checked a couple things, then said I would need to talk to a specialist. He said they were quite busy at night (and this was a Sunday night); it would likely be at least 45 minutes on hold. Mornings are always better. Could they call me at 8:45 in the morning? I was impressed, but still skeptical.

At 8:51 a.m. Monday morning, the phone rang. The same message as the previous evening said there might be a wait on the phone. But again, I was talking with a live human within a minute. She saw the case notes from the previous evening, asked me some additional questions, and said it would take a supervisor to take care of the problem. Before I had time to brace myself for another pass-the-buck runaround, the supervisor came on.

She first asked me for the best number to call me back on if we got disconnected before the problem is solved. Then she gave me her full name, e-mail address, and direct dial number! She figured out what was wrong, and walked me through the problem step-by-step, including what I needed to do online. It worked right away! Then she made sure that my iPhone recognized the now-correct Apple ID. It did. I logged off and signed back in on my iTunes, iPhone, iPad, iPod, and MacBook Pro, and they all work just as they’re supposed to!

I am blown away by that personal concern and level of service.

I emailed her afterward to sincerely thank her, and got a reply right back saying that’s why they’re there! Truly amazing. Thanks, Apple!

©2015 Tom Vadnais Photography. All Rights Reserved.

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